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Электронный каталог: Gutmeyr, D. - History and Memory ^ A Tendency towards Transdisciplinarity and the Influence of Politics of Memo...
Gutmeyr, D. - History and Memory ^ A Tendency towards Transdisciplinarity and the Influence of Politics of Memo...

Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Gutmeyr, D.
Balkanistic Forum'13: History and Memory ^ A Tendency towards Transdisciplinarity and the Influence of Politics of Memo...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Gutmeyr, D.
Balkanistic Forum'13: History and Memory ^ A Tendency towards Transdisciplinarity and the Influence of Politics of Memo...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Gutmeyr, D.
History and Memory ^ A Tendency towards Transdisciplinarity and the Influence of Politics of Memory on the Formation of Historical Narratives / D. Gutmeyr // Balkanistic Forum'13 = Балканистичен форум 1 : The Russo-Ottoman War 1877-1878 / сост. П. Воденичаров, Д. Гутмайер. – Благоевград : Неофит Рилски, 2013. – Р. 19-33. – На англ. яз.
ББК 63.3(0)
-- 1. World History. 2. Russo - Ottoman War.
Gutmeyr, D.
History and Memory ^ A Tendency towards Transdisciplinarity and the Influence of Politics of Memory on the Formation of Historical Narratives / D. Gutmeyr // Balkanistic Forum'13 = Балканистичен форум 1 : The Russo-Ottoman War 1877-1878 / сост. П. Воденичаров, Д. Гутмайер. – Благоевград : Неофит Рилски, 2013. – Р. 19-33. – На англ. яз.
ББК 63.3(0)
-- 1. World History. 2. Russo - Ottoman War.